The Powerful Crystal From Brazil
Astrology From Mark Lerner
You Can View Previous Days Horos Below

Daily Overview for April 13
Creation is a powerful experience, and one that will be especially rewarding today.
Your creative juices are flowing in a big way, and you should find that at least one person close to you is in sync with your thought processes. Collaborate on something big, bold and new!
Daily Extended for April 13
Have you been itching to build a new kitchen cabinet? Or is it something less concrete that's calling you to action? Maybe you want to build a new relationship? Or a new knowledge base? Or develop a talent or two that you've let languish? Whatever it is, heed this call to action and get going. You'll be glad you took advantage of the moment when you did.
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
You have some very definite opinions at the moment, but odds are nobody's listening. It's not that they don't care -- it's just that they all have their own big ideas going on inside.
Daily Couples:
The stars encourage you and your sweetie to go for it. Bold moves have double the impact, so go at full speed, no matter how timid you may feel inside. Trust your sense of timing! It's just about impeccable now.
Daily Singles:
Find a pickup Frisbee game or a local rowing club today, and you could get quite a bit more than a just a good workout! If you're not really athletic, try a dance class or even swimming lessons -- exercise is the key to romance for you now.
Daily Career for April 13
You and your colleagues will experience tension as communication breaks down. Watch out for raw nerves and bad attitudes. Don't worry about repairing it yourself -- just try to finish up what you can on your own.
Daily Overview for April 13
An outside voice sounds sweeter than ever today -- listen to what they have to say.
Add another notch to your belt -- you've racked up another big win! It may be hard for you to see the full scope of it right now, but you should look back on today as a milestone of sorts.
Daily Extended for April 13
Get out there in the center ring of your own personal three-ring circus and try out your latest acrobatic act. You know, the one with the flame trick? You know, while you're riding a bicycle? On stilts? With a monkey? Don't worry -- this act is bound to be a crowd pleaser. So step out of the ol' comfort zone and take a risk ... you, and your adoring fans, are bound to enjoy the results!
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
You need to get down with your friends and just talk things over. You don't have to present any big ideas or complex concepts, either -- it's okay to think with your mouth for the time being.
Daily Couples:
Once again your charisma works wonders. Your sweetie knows you're turning on the charm, but they secretly love it. Be sure you don't overuse this tactic, though -- after all, the element of surprise helps.
Daily Singles:
Mosey on over to the hottie who's currently haunting your dreams -- your aura of confidence is sure to back you up and then some! Whatever you do, you can't let the day pass without taking a big step forward.
Daily Career for April 13
The events of the day should mostly favor you, especially if you're involved in creative endeavors -- that's not to say budgets and accounts won't factor into mix, but you'll see extra success from brainstorming and artistic pursuits.
Daily Overview for April 13
This is a time when you should be listening to yourself physically and emotionally.
A little boost comes your way in the form of an upgrade -- maybe a new gadget or phone, maybe a new gig or maybe even a new romance. Make the most of it and see if you can take in even further.
Daily Extended for April 13
Sometimes doing something -- if it's the right thing, of course -- is the best way to come to a place of rest. For you, especially today, finding a creative outlet and using it to put your inner life into some kind of external expression could be just what you need. Whether you sing, dance, paint or talk to people, it's this positive activity that will bring you the peace and quiet you've been looking to achieve.
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
You're feeling great, but you need some serious intellectual stimulation to really push your boundaries. It may be online or in a book, but somewhere the info you need is hiding out there.
Daily Couples:
You can't argue about what was never uttered. (Well, you can, but it's awfully unproductive.) The stars give you the right mix of detachment and humor to smooth over any rough spots that might appear.
Daily Singles:
Take that romantic gamble, because non-lottery-related luck is on your side today. Even if it's not a safe bet, or you have to go out on a limb, ask yourself if the results are worth it. If so, go for it!
Daily Career for April 13
You are feeling pretty cavalier about the business of the day -- just don't let others see this side of you. Dissonance in that regard could cause serious problems in the workplace and damage your reputation. You can't afford the negativity, so buck up!
Daily Overview for April 13
Try to find your own way of making an impression on folks. Being unique is key.
Don't let yourself get too serious when talking with kids, employees or anyone else who sees you as an authority figure. People are looking for any excuse to ridicule any perceived pomposity.
Daily Extended for April 13
Today is not the day to back off whatever you're working on just because you encounter a problem. Absolutely the opposite, in fact: Today is one of those days where the more you push through obstacles, the more powerful you -- and your project -- become. By the time you've finished with this, people will really be able to see what you're made of. (And what you're made of is some mighty impressive determination!)
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
Someone who has some definite ideas about the way things should be will throw their weight around and try to get you to give in quickly. You can find a good compromise if you think quickly.
Daily Couples:
Rather than figuring out a strategy, have some fun with what's going on in this moment. Your partner doesn't understand what's gotten into you -- but they're enjoying this new side of your personality.
Daily Singles:
Don't let the small stuff have too great an impact on your romantic decision-making. If that prospect shares your interests, values and passions, is that questionable haircut or annoying friend really such a big deal?
Daily Career for April 13
A sudden change of plans will spin your priorities around in a big way. It may not come until late in the day, but you'll need to adjust as quickly as possible to make the most of it. And if you can do it with a smile on your face, all the better!
Daily Overview for April 13
Get ready for a heated (and possibly flirtatious) chat with an intellectual equal.
It's hard to figure out what is happening today, thanks to the frenzy of activity that seems to be going on all around you (or just in your mind). Things should settle down tomorrow.
Daily Extended for April 13
Sometimes our greatest strengths can be our greatest weaknesses too. How? Well, if you rely on your strengths to get you through life's difficulties, and they're strong enough to do the job, in the long run, this can lead you to neglect your weaknesses, which can grow weaker and weaker with time. If you think you're doing this, take a step back. Instead of judging your weaknesses, get to know them.
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
It's usually pretty easy to be you, but at the moment you have a bigger problem coming. Most likely it's related to work or school, but you'll need to ride it out and look for an opening.
Daily Couples:
Words fail when you try to describe the magnificence of your sweetheart, so paint them a picture or -- better yet -- make a grand gesture to express the magnitude of your affection. If anyone knows how to do it, it's you.
Daily Singles:
You can't say yes to every invitation, so practice saying no today. Go to that birthday party or gig you just can't miss, of course, but skip one lunch or neighborhood meeting in favor of some personal time.
Daily Career for April 13
Hold off on that big plan to score a raise, nab some extra benefits or land that huge project -- the timing just isn't right yet. In a few days, your position should be strong enough to consider it. Until then, just focus on the legwork.
Daily Overview for April 13
Communication is a two-way street. It's impossible to listen when you are talking.
Business or work-related issues pop up at the least convenient time today -- but you are responsible enough to know what to do about them. You make at least some progress, if not the kind you wanted to, this morning.
Daily Extended for April 13
Are you a teacher? Before you answer, think about it. Have you ever helped somebody understand something they couldn't grasp until you sat down with them and went over the 1, 2, 3 of the whole thing? Have you ever explained a physics problem or an emotional problem, or how to color between the lines? Sounds like you've got a teacher in you, whether it's your official job or not. Who are you teaching?
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
Whatever you're doing, go big. There's no need to skimp on price or anything else, for that matter -- you deserve whatever you want this time around. If it has to be extravagant, so be it.
Daily Couples:
Seeing is believing. For ages you and your honey have been talking about a long-cherished goal, but until now, you haven't taken any steps toward it. Well, all that changes today, thanks to these vibrant astral energies.
Daily Singles:
Just because someone is being demanding, that doesn't mean you have to give in. If a friend or romantic prospect wants more face-time, attention or energy, decide what you can (reasonably) give and don't cross the line.
Daily Career for April 13
You deserve the position and authority you've earned (plus even more, most likely). Don't worry about moving up too quickly -- you aren't. You're right on target Besides, if you base the growth of your career on what others think, you'll get absolutely nowhere.
Daily Overview for April 13
Get a grip on what's going on to make the best out of a less than ideal situation.
No one would accuse you of being a wallflower, and today you tend to wade right into arguments without waiting to assess who may be right or wrong. Your opinions are powerful forces!
Daily Extended for April 13
You're good at telling people what they want to hear. Not in a pandering kind of way, of course, but in a thoughtful, considerate way. You reflect what they say back to them, and they feel like you care about what they are saying and then go deeper. This is a wonderful conversational talent. Today, though, why not work on telling people what you want them to hear. That's a different kind of talent -- one that could involve learning to assert yourself a little more.
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
Your generosity will be rewarded big time. Perhaps you find someone watching at the right time or maybe the universe starts giving back in mysterious, heavy ways. Whatever it is, welcome this good fortune.
Daily Couples:
Children figure into your relationship in one way or another. If you're not actually interacting with any, a childlike enthusiasm and spirit infuses your interactions with each other. Either way, expect the unexpected.
Daily Singles:
Spirited debate never hurt anyone -- in fact, right now it's the best way to show off your amazing wit and passion. Go right ahead and challenge your date's views. You should both enjoy what comes next.
Daily Career for April 13
Don't put off preparation until the last minute, especially when it comes to a big project or a task handed down by management. Now's your chance to shine brightly! You'll do your best work if you stay on schedule and maintain an even pace.
Daily Overview for April 13
Fix an inequity you're feeling in a relationship by asking for what you need.
You may dream big, but when you do, you can pull almost anything off! Write down one goal or ambition that you've been too scared (or realistic) to go for, and then resolve to make it come to life.
Daily Extended for April 13
Spend a terrific morning getting ready for your afternoon and evening, 'cause they're going to be absolutely fantastic. You wanted something? Heck, here comes the deliveryman with a package for you. And in the package -- there it is! Whether it's a little music-playing gizmo or a parcel of land in the Alaskan wilderness or a new friendship you've been hankering after, it looks a lot like you're going to get it.
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
You've hit the big time in some way, and your people will treat you like a rock star if you decide to let them. And why wouldn't you? After all, you've made something super cool happen.
Daily Couples:
Right now the stars place you and your sweetie front and center. Come to think of it, that's exactly where you like to keep your emotions as well. Your never-ending energy is well spent on your personal life now.
Daily Singles:
Refocus on the big picture! Are you investing in people and relationships that are likely to last for the long term? Are you really taking care of yourself and your energy with regular exercise and good food?
Daily Career for April 13
Your heart is really in your work at the moment -- just as it should be. That kind of attitude is sure to impress the right people. Customers and supervisors will see your enthusiasm and seek out your involvement on an important project.
Daily Overview for April 13
Others are doing all the work -- but it's okay for you to take advantage of it.
Whether you are at work or at home, power struggles seem to pop up all over. It's not you -- or at least not just you. If you are willing to back off somewhat, you may find that others do so in return.
Daily Extended for April 13
You may encounter a problem at work that's not in your power to solve. This is, naturally, quite annoying. But you have to be realistic: If the matter is out of your hands, the matter is out of your hands. Instead of getting too unduly upset about it, focus on what you can change, or on what is working. You'll feel better, and the powers that be will eventually deal with the problem.
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
You may have to step up to someone who is trying to muscle in on your good thing. It won't be easy or fun, but it also shouldn't last too long -- and with your allies, you're sure to come out on top.
Daily Couples:
Don't let drama get in the way of what's real when it comes to you and your darling. It can be tempting to play a situation so the back row can see it, but remember what you want the outcome to be.
Daily Singles:
Compromise is paramount. Go along with a friend to their thing if they agree to join you at yours. Go to the too-trendy restaurant your date is all excited about as long as you get to pick the movie. Keep all interactions fair -- and positive.
Daily Career for April 13
Making it in this world is about working with others. That's why it's a good time to form or call on strategic partners. Your alliances will make the difference between pulling ahead of the pack and getting left behind, so choose wisely.
Daily Overview for April 13
When you see a chance to get away from the drama or pressures of your life, take it!
You aren't typically all that impulsive, but on a day like today, you just can't help yourself. See if you can get your friends to follow along as you lead them to somewhere mysterious but fun.
Daily Extended for April 13
Like anybody with a bright, shiny mind and a bright, shiny idea, you want to turn your ideas into reality. You've got a few terrific opportunities to make your dreams manifest. If you want to start a lemonade stand, buy the lemons (they're available in bulk at bargain prices!). And pick up some sugar. And plan to do a test run over the weekend. It's time, or nearly time, to get going!
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
Life isn't always easy, and today will be especially tough for you. It's not like you'll encounter a natural disaster or anything crazy like that, but you will need to step up in a big way when you'd rather not.
Daily Couples:
Resting on your laurels is tempting, but your sweetie is cheering you on. Deep down you know you've got what it takes to get to the next level. So take a deep breath, accept these accolades and go for the brass ring.
Daily Singles:
Add a little madness to your routine today. An expensive toy or an especially great new article of clothing you can't afford might give you the confidence and allure you need to take your romantic search to the next level.
Daily Career for April 13
Extremes in energy will make for a positively interesting day, to say the least. Changes in your workplace will create moving targets while others may project something other than their true motives. Beware of facades.
Daily Overview for April 13
Say 'yes' to as many opportunities as your schedule allows, but keep some free time.
You may not be fully satisfied with your work situation, and there's at least one person to blame: the boss. This is not a good time to cross authority figures, but you may want to look into switching yours out.
Daily Extended for April 13
The term 'creative type' doesn't even begin to do you justice, you know. You are more of an 'incredibly productive super generative creative type.' You take every bit of raw material the world throws at you -- paints, paper, digital tools, happiness, pastels, sadness, tragedy, comedy, mud, clay, rock -- and you make it sing. This is a real gift -- don't forget to be grateful for it.
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
Even though a lot of activity is going on all around you, it's important to give as much of your attention to it as possible. Rearrange things flexibly -- that way you can meet most people halfway.
Daily Couples:
Distractions are popping up in the most enticing, innocuous-seeming guises, but you need to keep your eyes on the prize (and off your sweetheart). You're so close to the finish line; ask for support so you can reach it.
Daily Singles:
Put yourself first today -- and make stress relief your top priority. Meditate, jog, take a long bath or ring up a long lost friend -- it could be just the thing to restore your energy and romantic drive.
Daily Career for April 13
Someone moved your cheese -- deal with it! Now if only you'd stop complaining and blaming everyone else when things don't go your way. A small shift in your perception could land you in a much better position.
Daily Overview for April 13
Don't take any shortcuts today -- they may prevent your long-term satisfaction.
Your diet may be perfectly healthy or quite the opposite -- but you need to mix it up a little! Now is a great time to try a cuisine you've never experienced or revisit that one food you think you hate.
Daily Extended for April 13
If there's something you're good at, it's meeting people, shaking their hands, looking them in the eye, and letting them know that if they want to talk, they can talk to you. In personal terms, this is called connecting. In professional terms, it's called networking. You're good at both, and it's because you really put yourself out there. And you could put yourself out there because you like to.
Daily Love for April 13
Daily Flirt:
Something big is going down, and you need to take action right away to really make the most of it. When you do, if the right person sees what's happening, they'll swoon over you.
Daily Couples:
You two are ready for the big time, but is the big time ready for you? Well, you won't find out unless you go for it. Just take a deep breath (or 10), hold each other's hands and plunge right in.
Daily Singles:
Keep your opinions to yourself today, unless someone makes an issue of it. You probably have a different take on how that friend should handle their relationships, or whether your brother should ask his crush out, but they need to find their own way.
Daily Career for April 13
Work will get a little more exciting when you discover something new. This revelation will lead you down a strange but extremely cool path. You may end up considerably better off career-wise once you depart from this crazy ride!

Daily Overview for April 12
It's your turn in a game of phone tag -- get back in touch with someone far away.
If you're seeing someone, drop what you're doing and get in touch with them -- your romantic energy is off the charts! If you're somehow single, you can make some progress toward leaving that state behind.
Daily Extended for April 12
You're about to be on the receiving end of some really wild news -- all of it positive. Expect the word to arrive from a higher-up you weren't sure had ever noticed you, and to be amazed to discover that you definitely haven't been ignored. Once that news sinks in, you may need to make a decision -- a serious, wonderful decision. Prepare yourself for a lovely bolt from the blue. Oh, and if it doesn't happen yesterday (when you wish everything would happen) be patient. It's coming.
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
You need to get real about something you've been putting off for too long. It may have to do with your health in a low-key way, or it may just relate to your body in some other fashion.
Daily Couples:
The stars put the ball in your court, but don't forget that you're playing doubles. Step up to this opportunity. While the moment may not be perfect, it has all the necessary components for success.
Daily Singles:
Mixing family with dating might seem like a recipe for disaster, but it's not actually such a bad idea to get your relatives in on your love search today. Could it be that your mom's friend's cousin really is the one for you?
Daily Career for April 12
You're capable of some very fruitful in-depth analysis at the moment, so apply your focus to a plan or system that could use some revamping. When you present your critique, though, be mindful of stepping on certain toes.
Daily Overview for April 12
Use any and all help you can get now. There's just no point in going it alone.
You need to embrace the crowds today -- just as they are sure to embrace you! No matter what the reason, or how silly it all seems to you, their adulation means a lot to them and you may as well accept it.
Daily Extended for April 12
Just when you thought you were ready to settle down and stop shouting to the world about how unique, unusual and world-wise you are, someone has planted a bug in your brain that's making it impossible. The good news is that you really weren't ready to quit -- and there's no bad news. You may need to deal with the disappointment of someone who thought you'd be spending a lot more time together, fighting for your cause, but you're familiar with breaking hearts unintentionally, aren't you?
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
Don't worry too much about the small stuff at the moment. You can take care of any details some other time -- you need to look at the big picture and think about your next few steps.
Daily Couples:
Memories are lovely, except when you start living in the past. Remember: While your relationship was built on certain aspects, everything changes, including people. Appreciate what you have in the present and you'll be happier.
Daily Singles:
This morning is all about sophistication, but childlike glee should rule the night. Impress that new crush in an extra-classy outfit early today, but make sure to invite them to join you game night later on.
Daily Career for April 12
The details you've been pushing aside while other, possibly bigger, things occupy your mind won't wait anymore -- and if they do, they'll come back to bite you later. Handle your responsibilities now or make sure someone else does.
Daily Overview for April 12
Big changes are afoot, so get ready for physical and emotional transformations.
Travel is at least on your mind, if not on today's agenda -- and your energy is perfect for getting out there and seeing new things. If you can hit the road or even just plan for a later trip, you should feel great.
Daily Extended for April 12
If there's any sign that's famous for consistently being game to experience the last thing on earth anyone else might try -- and suddenly, too -- it's yours. So today's astrological weather will suit you just fine. A message that arrives will set you off on a path that includes not just adventure, but a new and improved intimacy with a partner or friend, and no matter how subtle the invitation is, you'll understand the intent. Bet you're up for it.
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
It's a good time to get kicking on those great ideas you've been throwing down lately. You have the right people to help, and the time just couldn't be better for you all.
Daily Couples:
Coming on strong could seem unnecessarily rough, especially if you and your darling have been dancing around this issue for a while. You've got the winning hand, so go ahead. Don't try so hard -- this is in the bag.
Daily Singles:
Follow your mood anywhere -- as long as it takes you on some kind of adventure! You're definitely in the mood to try something new and exotic. That could be a new dating site or a cruise around the world.
Daily Career for April 12
Communication with those close to you work-wise may prove a little rocky at the moment. Try a multi-pronged approach -- send an email, leave a voicemail and follow up in person if possible. To sum it up, don't leave anything to chance.
Daily Overview for April 12
Things are well on their way to solidifying -- be confident in what you've done.
Something bad is brewing between you and your mate, boss or best friend -- and you might need to let it keep heating up for a bit! The alternative (for now, anyway) is to give up some of your power.
Daily Extended for April 12
Some last-minute news is due, so suddenly that you may not know quite what to do with it. There are several cosmic culprits behind the situation, but startling Uranus, the planet in charge of miracles, is certainly first on the list. Fortunately, you're as steadfast as a sign can be -- you wrote the book on it, in fact -- so if you need to make a tough decision based on your gut rather than on 'fact,' your antennae will guide you through it nicely.
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
It will be hard to get anything done, with the constant stream of interruptions coming your way. Even if you think you're on your own, people will find creative ways to bug you.
Daily Couples:
This relationship can start to feel tricky if you obsess about what you might be doing wrong. Ease up. If you continue to second-guess yourself, talk it over with your sweetie. Get it off your chest.
Daily Singles:
Kick off the day frugally -- get groceries to make lunch at home, or skip the pricey cappuccino this morning. You're glad you can splurge on that new outfit or flowers for your date later on!
Daily Career for April 12
Sharing your unique perspective with a certain party may brand you eccentric, and not in a good way, at the moment. Revisit your revolutionary ideas later on, and you'll be hailed as a genius rather than an oddball. You'll know when the time is right.
Daily Overview for April 12
Getting things done won't give you the sense of accomplishment you're expecting.
Your first instinct is to resist change today -- but it's inevitable, and if you can just adapt a bit, you should do fine. Better that you avoid all the stress that comes with fighting the rising tide!
Daily Extended for April 12
After months of griping about how nothing exciting ever happens to you, your friends will suddenly need to remind you that you've been wishing this on yourself -- and to be quiet. Not that you'll mind the influence of the culprits: several startling planets who've set up shop with the mission to help you handle relationships. If you're attached, you may have some explaining to do, though, so you'd better start thinking of possible outs right now.
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
Be careful around your friends -- one loose word may throw you into a tailspin for the rest of the day. You won't damage anything irreparably, but who needs the extra grief of an upset buddy?
Daily Couples:
You can't be everything to everybody, even your beloved. If there's something you aren't comfortable doing, don't prevaricate. If you pretend that it's okay with you, neither of you will be satisfied in the long run.
Daily Singles:
Lend a hand today and you might end up being the one who benefits the most. Listen to that friend in need, bail that coworker out of a situation or just do a favor for a friend. It all works to your advantage.
Daily Career for April 12
Inside info may be elusive to others, but you can uncover it with extraordinary ease. Use your wiles (within ethical boundaries, of course) to push yourself on the cutting edge. Don't worry about ruffled feathers -- that's just jealousy coming out sideways.
Daily Overview for April 12
It's a good day to think things over -- your mental clarity is stronger than ever.
If you start to feel frustrated with how the day is going, just remember that you're not the only one having problems -- in fact, if you trade problems with someone else, you both might be better off!
Daily Extended for April 12
Several planets are currently teaming up to inspire you to go after what you want, and with a vengeance. If you're challenged, you'll deliver the perfect response in a most authoritative tone of voice -- easily convincing any opponents to just drop it. Oh, and then there's your innate tendency to refuse to accept 'no' for an answer. If anyone really does try to tangle with you, at least give them an honorary mention. After all, it does take guts to do it.
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
You have it -- so flaunt it. Show off a little or a lot and make the others feel jealous. You can go back to being nice and sweet some other day, but for now you need to make a splash.
Daily Couples:
Family can be fun, especially when you and your significant other are involved. Whether it's a formal occasion or an impromptu get-together, you two have just the right touch. Everyone goes along and gets along.
Daily Singles:
There's a power vacuum in your life -- you need to get to filling it! If your people (or date) can't decide on what to do or where to eat -- or anything at all, really -- make an executive decision.
Daily Career for April 12
Divorce your intellect from your emotions at the moment -- at least as far as work goes. When you're calm, cool and collected, you'll get the response you want. If you've been waiting for the green light, your wait should be coming to an abrupt end.
Daily Overview for April 12
Loud, brash or obnoxious energies will distract you now -- you must act quickly.
Your brainy energy is just right for solving tough problems -- or for sorting through big ideas. It's best if you can manage it with a colleague or friend, but you can do just fine on your own.
Daily Extended for April 12
You're usually the last sign on the list to take things seriously -- if there's any way at all to have some fun. At the moment, however, your razor-sharp intellect has informed you that something needs to be done quickly, regardless of how radical it seems to others. You're the only person on board who's equipped to make a logical decision. Well, go ahead; you might have to sacrifice an evening of fun to get things straightened out, but won't you be proud tomorrow?
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
Now is a great time to get out of town -- or at least start thinking about it. The farther, the better, as far as you're concerned. It may be just as much fun to read travel lit as it is to hit the road.
Daily Couples:
You start the day filled with deep emotions, but by the evening you just want to grab your sweetheart and find the nearest party. What gives? It's just those stars, trying to keep both of you on your toes.
Daily Singles:
As the day gets underway, you're in the right place to limit your budget -- skip lunch out or your morning mocha. You're glad you did just that later while splurging on a swanky date!
Daily Career for April 12
The questions you're asking this morning may make certain parties less than comfortable, but you know they're crucial to the bigger picture. By this afternoon, all that awkward prodding will be understood and appreciated by someone who can make a difference.
Daily Overview for April 12
When you catch a glimpse of your potential future, don't fret. Just embrace it.
Your social energy is perfect for hanging with friends -- so seek them out! At least one of them is in dire need of a talking-to, and you are the only person who can do so with the right attitude.
Daily Extended for April 12
Your specialty is taking care of others, and more often than not, you do it at your own expense. Well, prepare yourself to make a decision that may actually take your own needs into account, just this once -- and as soon as this evening. Startling news (and how!) that comes along now via a family member or an old, dear friend will convince you that it's time to make your move -- but still, make sure you do it your own pace.
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
You are up to any challenge at the moment -- and most likely there's a big one staring you in the face. Use that willpower, even if you're called stubborn, or worse. You'll be glad you did.
Daily Couples:
Things aren't working out the way you and your darling had hoped, but believe it or not, they're working out the way they should. It's a fine distinction, but once you two take the bird's-eye view, you'll see it's true.
Daily Singles:
Beat the blues with some fun evening socializing -- by that time, you're more than ready to crawl on out of that shell. Meet up with friends after work to go over weekend plans or invite that crush out to dinner.
Daily Career for April 12
It's a great time for networking and morale boosting. You'll be the perfect host if you decide beforehand what needs to happen and who needs to link up before the day is done. You'll make all the right connections without raising a sweat.
Daily Overview for April 12
You're in the thick of things, so realize that your actions have major consequences.
There's no way out but through today -- and you need to go through with someone you're not all that crazy about. The good news is that they are as open to compromise as you are, so ask them what they need.
Daily Extended for April 12
Just when you thought you were finished righteously instructing the world about exactly how it should be run, you've discovered that it's not over yet. They're not quite convinced. Sure, you're up for a couple of days of well-earned rest, but you'll rally if it means getting just one more person to wear your colors. You can rest tomorrow. Maybe. For now, do what you do best: Win them over to your side -- with pure, unbiased logic.
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
You are feeling a stronger connection than ever to your friends but also to your old books and toys and anything else you've had with you forever. Enjoy the comfort -- it's a good time.
Daily Couples:
With the two of you, kissing and making up can be so sweet that you're tempted to pretend to be miffed just to get to that part. Why even bother with the fighting? Go right to the good stuff and save some time.
Daily Singles:
A combination of alone time and group activities suits you best for now. Carve out time to write in your journal or relax with your favorite book or movie -- but don't miss out on what's going on with your pals!
Daily Career for April 12
You may think you're just imparting your expertise, but be sure you're couching it in a way that's appropriate for your audience. Meet people on their level and you won't be labeled arrogant or a know-it-all. A gracious approach is where it's at.
Daily Overview for April 12
You may face a major choice. Focus on what's important, and it's an easy one.
Play hard or stay home today -- you've got to impress whomever is watching! If it seems too extravagant, that means you're doing something right. You may want to leave at least one credit card untouched, though.
Daily Extended for April 12
Your relationship schedule has been pretty darned crowded for the past few days, and it's not going to become any less busy over the coming weeks. Does this mean you'll be entertaining all kinds of amazing new companions? You bet it does. In the meantime, you may also have to decide what to do with the 'old' ones. Better choose quickly -- someone is about to issue what might sound suspiciously like a lover's ultimatum.
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
People are at their worst today -- with one notable exception: you, of course. So try to ride through the day without getting into any dust-ups with close friends or coworkers.
Daily Couples:
A fresh burst of energy inspires you two to put the past to rest. It's time to discover the new. Now is a great time to shake up the more staid parts of your life. Give them a little extra something.
Daily Singles:
Follow up with all those creative, impulsive ideas that are flowing today -- they can take you someplace great! Try a dance class or organize a culinary adventure for friends and acquaintances. Your energy is getting you noticed!
Daily Career for April 12
Your reputation for practical planning will blossom as you delineate deadlines, project deficiencies and draft budgets. Document your work and send it to the pertinent people. Someone will be most impressed with your insight and scope.
Daily Overview for April 12
The ever-precarious balance between good and bad will be easy to achieve now.
A major challenge crosses your path today -- though you don't have to take it up if you don't feel like it. If you're up for it, though, you can make a solid impression on someone who turns out to be quite important.
Daily Extended for April 12
Once every month, we're all entitled to a full two-day stretch of indulging ourselves in the deeper side of life: intimacy, intensity, intrigue -- oh, and just a tad of self-centered recreation. It's now officially your turn to go for it -- and if anyone knows how to be hedonistic, it's you. The urge for this fun-loving period will come upon you quite suddenly, however, and you may also feel the need to make a serious decision. Be brave, clear your throat and make the announcement.
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
You need to keep your good news to yourself for now. It's not like you're holding on to a big secret, but people will see your giddiness as an ego thing if you aren't careful. Give it a few days.
Daily Couples:
Has your darling fallen into the unfortunate habit of using you as a free therapist? Of course you want to hear their problems, but there comes a point when certain boundaries have to be respected.
Daily Singles:
If you want something, ask for it early -- by late afternoon, your best bet is to keep your head down. Early this morning, though, you stand an excellent chance of getting that date with your crush -- or a reservation at that trendy restaurant.
Daily Career for April 12
Getting ahead is one thing -- but helping others move forward as well is even more satisfying. Be mindful of how you can steward your favorite people into a profitable future. After all, there's enough to go around!
Daily Overview for April 12
Where's the fire? Slow down now and let the world rush around while you relax.
Your health is much on your mind today -- or at least it should be! That's not to say that you need to descend into hypochondria, merely that your energy is perfect for taking positive, healthy steps.
Daily Extended for April 12
For the next couple of days, you'll quite literally be wearing your heart on your sleeve -- and you'll be ready to tell one and all exactly what you're feeling, as soon as you're feeling it. Does this mean you're especially vulnerable at the moment? You bet it does. Better call someone you love and trust and ask them to play bodyguard and babysitter, especially if you're about to venture out into the world. After all, you've done it for them, haven't you?
Daily Love for April 12
Daily Flirt:
You have the right kind of stuff to last all day, no matter what you're up to now. Even if others are flagging, you can actually lend them some of your power to keep them going along with you.
Daily Couples:
It's tempting to throw up your hands and resign yourselves to fate. It's equally as seductive to think that you two have all the controls in hand regarding this situation. Can you find a middle ground?
Daily Singles:
You're deep into a mystery as you start the day, so go ahead and smile at that hottie on the train or whomever else meets your eye -- but hold off on making small talk for a while.
Daily Career for April 12
Communications of all kinds will be important today, especially electronic transmissions. So make sure your phone, computer and all your other gadgets are charged and in perfect working order. You'll need to stay connected on every front.